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Ninghe promotes sweet potatoes to benefit farmers


exploringtianjin.com  2023/04/24

  Industrial development is key toward realizing rural revitalization. Since this year, Yuelong town, Ninghe district has focused on the sweet potato industry in a bid to increase farmers' incomes.

  Yuelong town has vigorously promoted sweet potatoes after implementing experiments on planting different varieties of the root vegetable.  Hongyao, an excellent variety suitable for local cultivation, has been selected and promoted throughout the town. Last year, it achieved an average profit of over 4,000 yuan (about $580) per mu. This year, more farmers have been growing potatoes, increasing the planting area in the town to over 10,000 acres.


  Potatoes cultivated in Yuelong town, Ninghe district [Photo/WeChat account: Media Convergence of Ninghe District]

  With the improved market value of potatoes, Yuelong has also established its own potato seedling breeding base. "Our potato seedling breeding base covers an area of approximately 200 acres. We plan to cooperate with advanced national seed companies and select the most suitable, excellent, and high-quality Hongyao seedlings within two to three years to ensure benefits to the farmers and lay a solid industrial foundation for rural revitalization," said Zhang Jinxin, director of the Agriculture and Rural Development Office of Yuelong Town.


  The potato seedling breeding base in Yuelong town [Photo/WeChat account: Media Convergence of Ninghe District]

  Going forward, Ninghe district will continue to strive for the integrated development of agriculture and cultural tourism, promoting the high-quality development of the region.

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