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Jizhou to promote the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region


exploringtianjin.com  2023/04/06

  Focusing on the fields of transportation, ecology, industries and public services in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Jizhou district has been accelerating the construction of key projects to further promote the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.


  Jizhou district, Tianjin [Photo/WeChat account: zhangshangjizhou]

  This year, Jizhou has implemented four major projects on undertaking resources, promoting local agricultural products to Beijing's market, attracting travelers to visit Jizhou, and building a "golden corridor" in the region.

  At the same time, the local government has initiated the non-capital functions of Beijing, explored market-oriented and specialized investment models, and connected with professional investment teams to develop market-oriented policies. Since the beginning of this year, three projects of Beijing have been signed, with an investment of 5.9 billion yuan (about $858 million), and three new Beijing institutions have settled in Jizhou.

  Furthermore, a series of key projects have been promoted. Five industrial projects including Fengshu Jizhou International Food Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park and Guotai Beijing-Tianjin Artificial Intelligence Industrial Park started construction, and the second phase of mine management project is steadily advancing.

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情融渤海 爱寄沧溟
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